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Site-wide search that doesn't care about your setup.

XORB Search works by indexing your site in a similar way to regular search engines. This means your site search can include that one off template page, PDF files, pages generated from any plugin, and of course pages generated from standard Craft CMS entries.

Page Score

XORB Search can track page hits and generate a weighted score to prioritize showing the most popular pages on your site first. Newly tracked pages will also automatically be added to your search index upon the next update.

Custom Field Layout

Add your own fields to your results to customize your search page with extra meta data.

Query Tracking

See what your users are searching for to better optimize your results.

Searchable Assets

Include assets in your search results by marking them as searchable.

Searchable PDFs

XORB Search can index your PDFs content.

Ignore Rules

Setup ignore rules to specify pages you do not want indexed. 

Regex Pattern Matching

Match URIs based on a regular expression pattern.

Robot Rules

Use your existing robot rules to ignore pages.

Search Term Maps

Set up keyword / search term maps so that users still find the right page when they use alternative nomenclature.

Search Term Priorities

Override what pages appear at the top of your results based on the keywords / search terms used.


Setup redirects so users can find pages that have moved.

404 Tracking

Track what missing pages users are landing on so that you can redirect them to the right page.


Automatically generate a sitemap from your results index.

Start using XORB Search

Available for Craft CMS 4 in the plugin store.