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Often times you will remove or move pages around on your site. Previously indexed pages that are no longer available will be marked with a 404 error code.

Using this information you can easily set up redirects.

Add redirect interface

Regular Expressions

In the above example, all pages under /cookie/ will be redirected to instead be under /biscuit/.

Redirects support PCRE Pattern Syntax. By default any / and ? not inside parenthesis will be escaped. To prevent this escaping, include opening and closing forward slashes and optional flags. The insensitive flag is included by default unless overridden.

Tracking 404 Errors

Any previously indexed page will get marked with a 404 error if it no longer exists.

In order to track 404 errors on pages that are not indexed, you will need to enable the Track Page Hits and Track 404 Errors settings.

Track page hits setting Track 404 errors setting

With these two settings enabled, any page that a user landed on that resulted in a 404 will be added to the result index with an error status.