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The Title, URI, and Description fields of a result are read only and are filled in automatically when updating the index. If you wish to override these, add a custom field for use in your search results template.

Result interface

Search Enabled

Only items with Search Enabled switched on will appear in your search results.

Search Priority

Results with a higher priority will appear first in your search results, regardless of page score.

Sitemap Enabled

Similarly, only items with Sitemap Enabled will appear in your sitemap.

Rules Enabled

By default, Search Enabled, and Site Enabled will get updated automatically based on your ignore rules and settings. To prevent this from happening, you can turn off Rules Enabled.

In the above image, since we don't want the home page to appear in the search results, we have switched off the rules and search toggles.

Custom Field Layouts

You can add custom fields to your results.

Result interface
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